Minds and Manuscripts

exploring ideas and books….

Show Don’t Tell – A Writer’s Guide by William Noble

Methods to write a compelling story

I recently finished Show Don’t Tell – A Writer’s Guide by William Noble. The book is filled with useful examples and the author takes the art of story and writing in a comprehensive manner. All throughout the book he gives the readers examples from other books and literary works on how to approach writing. The book is divided into chapters and describes in detail how a writer should approach the writing and create a compelling piece of writing that keeps the reader hooked. He tells the methods of writing a compelling story and techniques that are supposed to sustain the interest of the reader. The approaches are simple and well defined, it’s like a step by step guide to writing a compelling story. The book is about fiction, about stories and novels and the writing is structured to tell the readers exactly how he should move forward with his writing and what he ought to do to make his stories compelling. There are numerous tricks and tips to keep the writing exciting and chapters on melodrama, dialogue, anecdotes, on how to craft the narrative, how to keep the story moving and numerous other approaches to make the story interesting. A great read for a writer wanting to know the nitty gritty of writing a story to keep the reader’s interest. It has numerous examples and advice on how to keep the readers hooked to the story and what it takes to make a compelling story. Worth a read.

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