Minds and Manuscripts

exploring ideas and books….

Parry Hotter and The Fact Manufacturing Factories

Say The Truth As You Lie

I have tried numerous blogs with different themes to write on. It was a sort of experimentation. I have written themed blogs on my musings, sarcasm, philosophy, I have tried movie reviews and book reviews but I have always faced the same problem, inability to write on different themes on the same platform. Now I’m trying the same, writing on different themes, without dedicating the whole platform for it. For me it’s a sort of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), that I have to arrange things according to categories and no amount of intentional chaos that I cause in my life to get rid of this OCD actually helps. This blog was made for books and for having discussions that I imagine would have happened in the early 20th century European coffee parlours, you can also consider it as equivalent to modern day podcasts just that I’m both, the guest and host and the listeners here are the readers. The good thing about writing in the 21st century is that only those who love to read would read you, and given my reading stats there aren’t many. Reading is a lost hobby I suppose and in today’s world only the old or the old fashioned do it and it works great for me. I have wanted to be a writer since I was seventeen and it’s been more than fourteen years writing regularly. I have been a voracious reader since I was a child and it’s only since a decade that despite trying I’m not really able to read, but I read anyway, at least one book a week even if I have to take the help of text-to-speech software or audiobooks. Earlier I wrote just for the sake of writing which I still do, but now I also have a goal for my writing other than writing just for the sake of writing. Writing can inform, educate and entertain, it can make you feel emotions and it can also brainwash you or radicalize you. I mostly write for entertaining, making people feel and educating them. I make sure that what I write cannot be used as propaganda and the truth, at least as much truth as I know it, is clear in my writings. The thing about the truth is that there isn’t an absolute truth as well as there is an absolute truth. Unfortunately our very lives are based on lies, but still, we have our personal truths. Our personal truths empower us to search for the greater truths and it’s while searching for the greater truth that you encounter this huge castle of lies from where lives of people are manipulated. I have faced my truths already, I didn’t need to but I was forcefully made to face them even though I already knew them. I was forcefully made to accept my truth from a very different perspective than I knew them, but that has been the method of oppression since time immemorial, forcing people to accept things that aren’t true. A lot of times the truth only becomes valid if you yourself have a stake in it. People can assume truths, and it is easy to assume. They can assume the truth about someone and force it down his throat even if he doesn’t agree to it being his own truth. But then what I have seen in the past decade in this country is that they artificially manufacture facts and then they use those artificially manufactured facts to create truths. The point of this process is that since these false truths are based on facts nobody can falsify them, and nobody except the individuals who have created the facts know that the facts are manufactured. Thus the population can be misguided, exploited and blackmailed on the basis of truths based on falsely created facts and a good and moral man cannot oppose the exploitation, rape and extortion based on that truth because he feels guilty. I had lost access to the source from where my writing comes, but I still write and now it feels that I’m in touch with that source even if a little bit. A little bit is enough to do what I want to do. I write for my pleasure and creative satisfaction and to entertain, educate and make people feel. Sometimes I write for the truth too.

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