Minds and Manuscripts

exploring ideas and books….

Zen In The Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury

Work, Relaxation and Don’t Think

In his book Zen in The Art of Writing, Ray Bradbury tells about his writing life, his inspirations and his process. There is not much writing advice here upfront but people can learn by reading about the writing life of Ray Bradbury. Bradbury gives importance to the subconscious and believes that reading books, stories and gathering experience ultimately culminate into writing. We get a lot of events from his writing life and he tells about his inspirations and his process. Later he tells the writer not to chase money or fame but to just focus on his work and his process. He lays out the philosophy of work, relaxation and don’t think. He says that good writing comes from getting relaxed and when the writer is actually not thinking. He compares writing to sculpting, surgery, archery and other things to hit the point home. He says the goal of the writer is to tell his truth and when he tells his truth things fall in place and his work speaks for itself. It’s a great book for knowing Bradbury’s process and some genuine writing advice.

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